有效溝通?先提出對方想不到的論點 | Why you should offer new insights in a conflict | 洪子偉 Tzu-wei Hung | TEDxTaipei



Same-sex marriages, nuclear energy, and death penalty are just some of the issues that are polarizing residents of Taiwan. While different perspectives can lead to greater progress, inefficiency may result if two opposing sides fails to communicate and understand each other’s views. Analytic philosopher Tzu-Wei Hung proposes that at times of disagreement, both parties should step back and offer new insights so that intuition and/or emotions won’t take over reasoning. Perhaps there will be fewer disputes if all of us can drop our prejudices and listen. 中央研究院的分析哲學家。目前為跨所主題研究計畫總主持人,也是台灣哲學研究之重要推手。研究主題為語言模組與認知結構、語言的預測編碼假說等,並參與相關的腦磁圖(MEG)整合計畫,最近將興趣擴展至溝通行動和語言不正義上。

台大研究所期間專攻古典邏輯和非古典邏輯在語義含糊性上的悖論。留學英國後從頭開始學習認知科學,尤其是人類認知系統在語意理解背後的計算機制,留學期間還參與過英國國際特赦組織 6 年,曾赴盧安達、剛果、烏干達等地見習。主編過 Communicative Action、Rationality 等國外專書。


Tzu-Wei Hung is an analytic philosopher at the Academia Sinica, specializing in philosophy of psychology, philosophy of language, and Taiwanese philosophy. His latest interests cover the areas of communicative action and language injustice. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx

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