When to Close a Business

C’mon over to https://www.marieforleo.com/blog/close-a-business where the main discussion happens after the episode!

When to close a business and when to keep working on it – how do you know when it’s time to walk away?

In this video, you’ll learn how to tell if your gut is telling you it’s time to close a business of yours, or if you should up your game and try to make it succeed.

If you’re wondering when to close a business, start by asking yourself this question: Is seeing this business succeed your true heart’s desire OR does the idea of keeping it going drain you even if it’s a raging success?

Also ask yourself which feels better: upping your marketing game and working like crazy to make the business succeed, or that your business magically disappears and you get a fresh start?

Knowing when to close a business is important because “weathering on” if your heart isn’t into it anymore is not good for you or your customers.

If trying to decide when to close a business makes you feel like a failure, remember that just because something ends doesn’t mean it was a failure. Your experience serves your future endeavors.

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