Making Money While on Vacation? (Sales Numbers and Emails)

I share my results from a recent product launch, including emails sent, open rates & sales, all which happened to take place during a family vacation to Walt Disney World! The trip was planned last minute since the kids were off of school for a week, and also to celebrate my wife and my 9-year wedding anniversary!

Now, it’s not ideal to have a launch coincide with a family function like this, but I knew it would be okay because things could be setup beforehand, and the launch would happen mostly on auto-pilot.

Now, there is no such thing as 100% “set it and forget it” passive income. All income, including traditional passive income such as real estate and long-term investment planning must still be managed from time to time, but you CAN create the ability to “time-shift” – to work hard and invest time upfront so that you can have the flexibility and freedom with your time later.

A lot of time and hard work was spent before this vacation to get the launch ready, and I’m happy to share the results from the launch with you today, including exactly when and what emails I sent (including subject lines, content, open rates and click-through rates), when sales came in during the launch, and even how much I spent on Facebook Ads.

Please note that the sound was recorded via my phone while at the park, and in my hotel room on mediocre earbuds for the screen share portion. It’s all I had available.

So it’s not the best, but it does reveal some behind the scenes info for you so you can get a glimpse of how this previous launch went.

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