Why is it important to show your process? Do you have a creative formula that is repeatable with predictable results or are you just showing the finished work? If you aren’t showing your process and documenting it, you are leaving it up to the imagination of your client as to how you work. This creates an air of mystery about what they’ll get and when.
Mystery equals doubt. Doubt equals risk. Don’t be risky. Document your process.
When documenting your work, answer the question of what problem (ideally a business or marketing goal) did you solve? How did your creative solution answer the brief?
0:20 How to show your process (Client Brief, Wireframes, Concept Models, Research, End Product)
0:58 How does your design benefit the customer?
1:14 The first steps of making a website (User Profiles, UX Sketching, Visual Design Mockups & Wireframes).
1:48 How do clients decide who they are going to work with?
1:54 Clients choose the least risky option – Have creative recipe
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Executive Producer– Chris Do
Host– Chris Do
Director– Aaron Szekely
Cinematography– Aaron Szekely
Editor– Aaron Szekely
Futur Theme Music – Adam Sanborne http://www.adamsanborne.com
Annotations & SEO– Isaiah Nwukor
Typefaces: Futura, Din
Futur theme song— Adam Sanborne
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