How to Prepare for the Biggest Meeting of Your Life

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Big meeting coming up and freaked out about how to stay calm while still knocking it out of the park?

In this video, you’ll learn not only how to prepare for the biggest meeting of your life, but also what you should be focusing on during the meeting and after the meeting is over.

Before your meeting:
1. Do your research on the company and find out what they’re up to now, and what’s in the cards for them in the future.
2. Create ways to add value and don’t get caught up in trying to prove yourself. Focus 90% of your effort on what you can BRING to them, rather than what you want in return.

During your meeting:
1. Lead with your heart, share how they’ve helped you and why you’re inspired by them, and express enthusiasm and gratitude. Everyone loves to be acknowledged for their individual contribution, not just the company overall.
2. Listen, listen, listen!

After the meeting:
1. Send a thank you card and leave a lasting impression.
2. Follow-up with the person or people you met with. Note – the sooner you do this after the meeting, the better.
3. Acknowledge that you did your best, let it go, and get back into your core business.
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