Info Product Rookie Mistake You Don’t Want to Make

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Info product mastery isn’t an inherent trait and in this video, you’ll learn my tips for how to develop a product and why size and length DO matter.

Tip #1 – Start Small. The reality is that when you’re starting out and getting ready to do your first product launch, the first thing you create is probably going to be the worst. If you start small, this allows you to test things, and most importantly – you’ll have the bandwidth to make sure you’re delivering results to your customers.

If something doesn’t work, you’ll be able to get instant feedback, make adjustments, and create an even BETTER info product the second time around.

If your info product is great on your first product launch, you’ll get testimonials that can help sell more in the future. If things go wrong, then you only sold it to a few people and you can re-start the process to make it better.

Tip #2 – Don’t make your first info product too long. A long information product is a big commitment for both you and your customers and you don’t want to be committed for too long of a time if not enough people sign up.

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